The jury, chaired by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, unanimously praised “a subtle exploration served by high-quality writing”. Its author explores the contemporary world in an unprecedented way, bringing out the shadows and fantasies that have inspired artists since time immemorial. The idea of prehistory, its contents, its contradictions, its constructions emerge under the pen of Rémi Labrusse, in the grazing light of modernity. This work accompanied the exhibition “Prehistory, A Modern Enigma” from 8 May to 16 September 2019, at the Centre Pompidou, of which the author Rémi Labrusse was co-curator.
“This desire [for prehistory] was not born by chance from the wild emergence of signs from the depths of time. The signs were desired. They appeared to our senses inasmuch as they already populated our expectations.”
The author
Art historian and professor at the University of Paris Nanterre, Rémi Labrusse studies the links between 20th century art and non-European arts. He is the author of numerous reference works including Matisse: la condition de l’image, 1999, Bonnard, quand il dessine, 2006, Islamophilies. L’Europe moderne et les arts de l’Islam, 2011, Face au chaos. Pensées de l’ornement à l'âge de l’industrie, 2018. In 2019, he is co-curator of the exhibition “Prehistory, A Modern Enigma”, at the Musée National d’Art Moderne.
The jury
For the 2019 edition, the jury was composed of:
Jean-Jacques Aillagon
Former Minister of Culture, former President of the Centre Pompidou, President of Pinault Collection
Laurence Bertrand Dorléac
Art historian, publisher, university lecturer, director of the Laboratoire Arts et société de Sciences-Po(Arts and Society Laboratory of Political Science)
Martin Bethenod
Deputy Director of the Collection Pinault Paris and the Bourse de Commerce
Jean-Marie Borzeix
Former Director of France Culture
Jean de Loisy
Director of the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris
Emmanuel Guigon
Director of the Picasso Museum in Barcelona
Brigitte Leal
Deputy Director of the National Museum of Modern Art
Laurent Le Bon
President of the National Picasso Museum in Paris
Alain Minc
President of AM Conseil, essayist
Alfred Pacquement
Former Director of the National Museum of Modern Art
Marie-Karine Schaub
Historian and academic (University Paris-Est Créteil-Val de Marne)
Books in competition
Louise Bourgeois, Marie-Laure Bernadac, Paris, Flammarion, collection « Grandes biographies », April 2019
Bernard Réquichot. Zones sensibles, Jean-François Chevrier, Paris, Flammarion, April 2018
Dora Maar. La femme invisible, Victoria Combalía Dexeus Paris, Invenit, June 2019
Préhistoire. L’envers du temps, Rémi Labrusse, Paris, Hazan, May 2019, collection « Beaux Arts »
Portes closes et œuvres invisibles, Denys Riout, Paris, Gallimard, collection « Art et Artistes», April 2019