Close © Palazzo Grassi, ph: Marco Cappelletti
Guided tour
27/10 - 15/12/2021
Palazzo Grassi

Strappi: il restauro degli affreschi di Carlo Innocenzo Carloni

Palazzo Grassi invites the public to visit the restoration works of two large frescoes painted by Carlo Innocenzo Carloni (1687 - 1775) between 1740 and 1745 for the Villa Colleoni Capigliata in Calusco d'Adda and today part of the heritage of the institution. "Strappi" reveals to the public a chapter of the history of Palazzo Grassi and offers a unique opportunity to witness the techniques of restoration.

© Palazzo Grassi, ph: Matteo De Fina
© Palazzo Grassi, ph: Matteo De Fina
© Palazzo Grassi, ph: Matteo De Fina

Removed from their original walls and fixed to canvas in the 1950s, they were acquired by the Marinotti family to decorate the walls of Palazzo Grassi when it was home to the International Center for Arts and Costumes. In 1983 and they were removed and were gradually forgotten. The restoration of these two murals demonstrate a commitment to preserving the integrity of the cultural heritage, even in places devoted to the most recent works of contemporary art.

The two murals painted by Carloni portray moments of the life of Bartolomeo Colleoni, the most famous Venetian condottiere: the first episode shows Emperor Frederick III receiving a safe-conduct from Colleoni to go to Rome, while the second episode portrays Colleoni in an audience with Pope Paul II, who is entrusting him with the task of fighting the Turks.

The Venice-based design studio Zaven has conceived a design to put on the show the restoration works led by Seres Srl and Mauve Srl.