SNATURAMENTI | a workbook by Flatform on displacement
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Friday 31 May 2024

SNATURAMENTI | a workbook by Flatform on displacement

The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi hosts the presentation of “SNATURAMENTI | a workbook by Flatform on displacement”, edited by Giuliana Prucca and published by AVARIE and Light Cone éditions. Situated on the edge between contemporary art and cinema, the work of the collective artist Flatform offers a glimpse of an unstable balance between the predictable and the unexpected, between control and chance. This volume without a cover unites drawings, scores, texts, notes, masking, alternative sequences and renderings of installations, and parallels Flatform’s video production characterised by the tools of audio-visual displacement. The event is led by Giuliana Prucca, founder and artistic director of the independent publishing house AVARIE (Paris), Flatform and Emmanuel Lefrant, filmmaker and director of the distribution company Light Cone (Paris).

The presentation is accompanied by screenings of the artist’s films and performance works.

Screenings programme:


A place to come (stereo, colour, 7'21'', Italy, 2011)

Approaches to a Theory of Punctuation (stereo, colour, 5'42'', Italy, USA, 2018-2023)

Blind song (performance video, stereo, colour, 8'04'', Italy, USA, 2018)