Più libri più Laguna, is the cultural event born in 2024 from the collaboration between Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana and Più libri più liberi, the National Fair of Small and Medium-sized Publishers in Rome, together with Libreria MarcoPolo.
The first appointment of the new edition of Più libri più Laguna at the Teatrino sees the participation of Valentina Tanni (Memestetica and Exit Reality, Nero Edizioni) in dialogue with Edoardo Camurri (Introduction to Reality, Timeo Edizioni) in a talk moderated by Chiara Valerio, curator of the project. The conversation ‘Empty Space and Byte of Light’ explores the relationship between fact and representation, ranging from Wittgenstein’s reflections to the present day in which everyday life is marked by the constant shift from the two dimensions of the screen to the three dimensions of a book, a museum or a grocery shop.