Lo Schermo dell'Arte 2019
Close Still from "The Price of Everything" by Nathaniel Kahn (2018)
06/03 - 10/03/2019
Palazzo Grassi

Lo Schermo dell'Arte 2019

For the sixth consecutive year, a selection of the last edition of Lo Schermo dell’Arte Film Festival is presented at the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, with documentaries dedicated to major figures of the art world and with films by artists. Founded in 2008 in Florence, the festival is a project dedicated to exploring, analysing and promoting the complex relations between contemporary art and cinema.

6 March
Self-Portrait in 23 Rounds: A chapter in David Wojnarowicz's life 1989-1991 by Marion Scemama and François Pain (2018, 70’)
Introduction by Silvia Lucchesi, director of Lo schermo dell'arte Film Festival

7 March
Zeus Machine by Zapruder (2018, 90’)
In the presence of the artists

Wild Relatives by Jumana Manna (2018, 69’)

8 March
The end of fear by Barbara Visser (2018, 70’)

Ceremony by Phil Collins (2018, 67’)

Jaar, Lament of the Images by Paula Rodríguez Sickert (2017, 77’)

9 marzo
Moriyama-San by Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine (2017, 63’)

Kusama-Infinity by Heather Lenz (2018, 76’)

Art in the XXI Century: Berlin by Rafael Salazar and Ava Wiland (2018, 56’’)

10 March
Island of the Hungry Ghosts by Gabrielle Brady (2018, 94’)

The Price of Everything by Nathaniel Kahn (2018, 99’)