Vdrome: Molte rondini fanno primavera
Close Still frame: Philippe Parreno, Carsten Höller, Rirkrit Tiravanija, “Vicinato”, 1995
15/04 - 16/05/2019 - 18:00
Palazzo Grassi

Vdrome: Molte rondini fanno primavera

On the occasion of Grand Tour Contemporaneo, a programme of exhibitions and events promoted by Fondazioni Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo Grassi collaborates with Vdrome to propose a cycle of rarely seen artists’ films and videos. The works presented highlight the unique and special relationships that Italy has established, from the 1960s onwards, with foreign avant-garde artists and filmmakers who explored aspects of the Italian imaginary. Many swallows make a summer stresses the role of Italy as an incubator of ideas and cultural references for the contemporary international artistic production, whose ethos of welcoming, meeting and exchange should be sustained and kept alive.


Introduzione di Edoardo Bonaspetti

From 1973 to 2008
Charlemagne Palestine, Body Music II,1973-74 (8'09'')
Joan Jonas, Merlo, 1974 (16'13'')
Theo Eshetu, Mass Memory, 1994 (7'51'')
Philippe Parreno, Carsten Höller and Rirkrit Tiravanija, Vicinato I, 1995 (13')
Francis Alys, Duett, 1999 (11')
Joachim Koester, Morning of the Magicians, 2005-2006 (05'28'')
Runa Islam, The House Belongs to Those Who Inhabit it, 2008 (06'52'')

From 2009 to 2016
Rosalind Nashashibi, Carlo’s Vision, 2011 (11')
Laure Prouvost, Farfromwords: car mirrors eat raspberries when swimming through the sun, to swallow sweet smells, 2013 (12')
Pauline Curnier Jardin, Explosion Ma Baby, 2016 (09')
Amie Siegel, Genealogies, 2016 (26')
Jem Cohen, Amber City, 1999 (48')

In collaboration with Comitato Fondazioni Arte Contemporanea and curated by Vdrome (Edoardo Bonaspetti, Andrea Lissoni, Filipa Ramos).