Laboratorio per tutti online: studio saor
The cycle of workshops for all launched by Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana becomes digital and is conceived in collabortion with exceptional guests working in various fields of contemporary creativity. The public is invited to take part to the activities by following simple instructions, meant to stimulate unique points of view on their own daily life. The activities are published on the Instagram e Facebook accounts with the hashtag #palazzograssiatyours.
The team of studio saòr leads the workshop Abstract equilibrium that invites to observe daily actions and create maps and diagrams of the space that sourrounds you. The mission: create a synthetic memento of this period thanks to abstract graphics.
studio saòr
Is a creative studio based in Venice that deals with “illustrated architecture”. Two very curious architects conduct this research, by observing space and places through representation. One example of their work is the Venetian Catalogue, an ongoing project that maps out the city of Venice as a collection of chapters of its urban elements.
Day 1 - The log

“Are you ready to draw your first map? Let’s start by drawing a log that will accompany us during this week. We will keep track of some elements that can bring to mind an important moment of the day.” studio saòr
Mission: redraw the scheme proposed. Draw lines to link every day of the week with a place, an action and a feeling using this scheme. Draw the log, take a picture and share it every day with the hashtag #PalazzoGrassiatyours.
Day 2 - The house, the space

“Let’s observe the rooms of the house and reassemble them according to a new distribution. Let’s figure out the “spot”, the core of the house, where we spend most of the day or where we enjoy some “me time”.” studio saòr
Mission: redraw the scheme. Trace a map of the house as a diagram! Identify the different rooms and their proportions. Start by placing your spot at the center (see example in the picture on the right). Now take a picture of your map and share it with the hashtag #PalazzoGrassiatyours.
Day 3 - The house, moving around

“Ready for today’s map? Let’s start outlining the array of movements around our spot. How many are they? Are they simple or complex? Do we stop on the way? After reflecting on this, let’s recreate the same scheme for a regular day.” studio saòr
Mission: redraw the scheme. Starting from your spot at the center, place some dots representing other rooms of the house, and then draw your daily movements (see example in the picture on the right). Now take a picture of your map and share it with the hashtag #PalazzoGrassiatyours.
Day 4 - The house, time

“Today’s challenge? A time map. How long do we stay in the kitchen? Do we spend more time on the balcony? Have we already spent half of the day on the couch? Let’s trace how our habits have evolved in comparison to previous weeks, by keeping track of the time spent in each room.” studio saòr
Mission: redraw the scheme. Identify each square with a room or a space within the house. Color as needed to indicate the time you spend in each room or space. We suggest you always use the same unit of measurement (i.e. 1 dot = 30 minutes). See example in the picture on the right. Now take a picture of your map and share it with the hashtag #PalazzoGrassiatyours.
Day 5 - Outside, orientation

“Let’s open our eyes and look outside the four walls of the house. From your point of view, consider your surroundings, your neighbors’ houses, the streets, green areas.” studio soar
Mission: redraw the scheme. Place your house on the scheme, imagine a map legend (see picture 3) and draw the map of its surroundings using symbols to represent them (see example in the picture).
Day 6 - Outside, points of view

“Today’s map invites us to reverse our point of view. Let’s frame a view from a window and analyze what we see outside (some roofs, a gardens or a field). But what would someone else see, when looking back at us?”
Mission: redraw the scheme. Draw with geometrical shapes and full colors what you can see from a window. Then, reverse the point of view and draw what one might see from outside looking into the window (see example in the picture on the right).
Day 7 - Outside, distances

“Considering that we have to stay inside these days, we do not have daily encounters with neighbors or colleagues anymore. But at the same time, we communicate more with distant family members and far away friends: how has our perception of distance changed?” studio soar
Mission: redraw the scheme proposed in picture 2. These concentric circles represent the city we live in and, gradually, places further away. Draw within these circles your position and that of friends and loved ones (see example in the picture on the right).
Day 8 - The log

“Today’s the last day. Take the log completed during this week and highlight the shapes drawn during the different tasks. These tasks can be observed also during the coming weeks to keep track of this suspended time.”
Mission: have you completed every day the log proposed on Day 1 of this #OpenLab? Redraw the scheme. Look at the shapes you have created every day and re-draw them (see example in the picture on the right)