HYBRIS. Ibridi e mostri nella cultura antica, moderna e contemporanea
Close Karin Andersen, Iela, 2008. Courtesy Guidi & Schoen, Genova

HYBRIS. Ibridi e mostri nella cultura antica, moderna e contemporanea

The Teatrino hosts a day of seminars organised by the Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni Culturali of Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia dedicated to hybrids and monsters in Antiquity, modern and contemporary culture.

Taking as the starting point the dichotomy between the self and the other, often at the basis of cultural research and thoughts, the speakers investigate the theme from different points of view: from chimeras and other hybrid creatures to the relationship between natural order and moral order; from the new man-made hybrids to questions about the future of human nature and the role of technology; up to questions about cultural identity.

Curated by Silvia Burini, Barbara Da Roit, Fabrizio Turoldo.


Institutional welcome
Prof. Giuseppe Barbieri (Direttore del DFBC)
Introduction by the curators

Hybris nelle performances dei Marcido Marcidorjs e Famosa Mimosa
Prof. Maria Ida Biggi (DFBC) in conversation with Daniela Dal Cin (scenografa e costumista)

Animal appeal
Prof. Silvia Burini (DFBC) in conversation with Karin Andersen (artista)

Identità ibride e identità forti negli anni della post-globalizzazione
Prof. Barbara da Roit( DFBC) in conversation with Nicola Montagna

Diritto alla diversità corporea: il caso dell'intersessualità
Prof. Giulia Garofalo Geymonat (DFBC) in conversation with Daniela Crocetti

Il significato degli ibridi in zoologia
Prof. Marco Olivi (DFBC) in conversation with Prof. Marco Apollonio

Ibridi da mangiare. Oltre il cibo, verso l’altro
Prof. Fabrizio Turoldo (DFBC) in conversation with Prof. Franco Riva