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The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, in collaboration with Annalisa Sacchi (Università Iuav di Venezia), hosts two days of events entitled TRANS-, a prefix that indicates a passage beyond a term, a crossing, a change from one condition to another.

  • 26 September: Play of the theatre work Manifesto Transpofágico (1h40) by Renata Carvahlo on stage at the Teatrino. The show is part of the survey Asteroide Amor, conceived and promoted by Fondazione di Venezia and curated by Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Università Iuav di Venezia and Teatro Stabile del Veneto. Alone on stage, Renata Carvalho exhibits her own body and lays bare the historical and ‘folklorisation’ of the cross-dressed body. In doing so, she tears the tortuous roots of prejudices anchored in different registers, such as grammar, medicine and justice.
  • 27 September: Screening of the documentary Porpora directed by Roberto Cannavò (2021, Humareels, 62'), a journey on the road in the human adventure of Porpora Marcasciano, a transsexual who has lived as a protagonist the feminist, communist and trans movements from the seventies to today. The screening is followed by a conversation between Porpora Marcasciano, leader of the trans movement and city councillor of Bologna, and the actor Luce Sant’Ambrogio, actress and PhD student at the Università orientale di Napoli, who graduated in Theatre and Performing Arts at the University Iuav di Venezia.