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Friday 21 February 2025

Expanding south-south solidarities and learning through art and activism
NGSS Winter School 2025

The Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi hosts the final day of the Winter School 2025 Next Generation Global Studies programme, organised in collaboration with the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padua, and entitled 'Interrupting Coloniality for Solidarity: epistemic justice, indigenous knowledges and intercultural translation'.

In a context where Western institutions are increasingly taking responsibility for their colonial history, the programme aims to interrogate the hierarchical structures that persist beyond formal colonisation. 

By examining how the arts can both reinforce and challenge these colonial legacies, participants will explore cross-cultural translation as a form of solidarity and resistance. Through a sharing of artistic practices and critical discussions, the meeting will address transformative approaches to addressing epistemic injustice, racism and the climate crisis. 

The day is organised in collaboration with Palazzo Grassi — Punta della Dogana.


  • Performance / Opening ritual Toré by Ziel Karapoto
  • Screening of short films by Ziel Karapotó, Olinda Tupinambá and Wissal Houbabi, addressing the themes of resistance, identity and the impact of colonial histories.
    • "The Word Became Flesh" (Ziel Karapotó, Brazil, 6 min) 
    • "Kaapora: The Call of the Forest" (Olinda Tupinambá, Brazil, 2020, 20 min) 
    • “PhonoMuseum of the Extincts” (Wissal Houbabi, Italy, 2022) 
  • Talk with the artists and speakers Gustavo Garcia (Assemblea antirazzista di Padova, Italy and tutor of the project Altri Sguardi by Palazzo Grassi– Pinault Collection) abd Jamille Pinheiro Dias (University of London, England), Lynn Mario Menezes de Souza (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Performance by Wissal Houbabi