Non-human listening. Masterclass
Close Non-human listening. Masterclass
19–20 October and 9–10 November

Non-human listening. Masterclass

10 am

To participate it is required to by fill in the form. Participation is free for holders of a Membership Card Pinault Collection.

The Masterclass consists of two modules (19-20 October and 9-10 November). It is advisable to attend both, but it is still possible to register for only one module. 

The Masterclass conducted by Nicola di Croce and Francesco Bergamo (SSH! Research Centre of Iuav University of Venice), with interventions by Beatrice Di Fonzo (C.T.R. Centro Teatrale di Ricerca, Venice) and Carlos Casas (artist and film maker), starts a reflection on the listening of the non-human starting from the direct experience of the participants, introduces basic notions of acoustic ecology and offers an overview of the trajectories that are currently crossing the artistic and research panorama of sound culture (sound studies). In particular, the idea of ‘attunement’ as a possibility of entering ‘into resonance with’ the non-human is addressed, through an investigation of the sound sources of the Palazzo Grassi Theatre and a mapping of how many of these represent canonical sources of ‘disturbance’.

During the Masterclass, guided listening and recording sessions of these sound sources will be carried out, and participants will be invited to follow simple vocal exercises with the aim of ‘harmonising’ the sounds previously mapped and recorded, through the creation of choirs. Exploring the possibilities of the choir in tuning in to non-human sound sources, the Masterclass will lead participants to record the results achieved and install them in the spaces of the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi.

On the occasion of the Masterclass, the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi will host, on Friday 8 November, a live improvisation session open to the public with Laura Agnusdei and Gabriele Mitelli.