"It is an escape from that one plan of reality by which we are somehow trapped or limited" Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe, Zoodram 6, 2013 Aquarium, live marine ecosystem, resin shell after Constantin Brâncusi’s Sleeping Muse (1910). 135 × 99 × 76 cm Courtesy of the artist; Neue Nationalgalerie Photo Credit: Guillaume Ziccarelli
Close Pierre Huyghe, Zoodram 6, 2013 Aquarium, live marine ecosystem, resin shell after Constantin Brâncusi’s Sleeping Muse (1910). 135 × 99 × 76 cm Courtesy of the artist; Neue Nationalgalerie Photo Credit: Guillaume Ziccarelli
Tue, 08/06/2024 - 11:23

"It is an escape from that one plan of reality by which we are somehow trapped or limited" Pierre Huyghe

It is very difficult to go out of a condition in which we are all. [...] To me this exhibition is really like a birth or a formation of creatures. There is an attempt to allow a will to emerge that would be an inhuman will.

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