Apparizioni Invisibili per Luigi Nono, still.
Friday 22 November
Apparizioni Invisibili per Luigi Nono
As part of the 7th Luigi Nono Festival, the Teatrino hosts an evening dedicated to the corpus of Luigi Nono’s works for “magnetic tape solo”, which represents a pivotal point in the composer’s oeuvre as an investigation of the acoustic properties of the elements that forms the basis of electronic music.
Organized by Paolo Pachini, composer, video artist and lecturer in Electroacoustic and Audiovisual Composition, the event is jointly staged by the Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono in collaboration with the School of Music and New Technologies of the Conservatorio Tartini in Trieste.
The video concert, featuring Maestro Alvise Vidolin as sound director, concludes a project in which students and teachers created video works for the composer's magnetic tape solo music.