Every Friday from 17 May to 28 June and from 6 September to 25 October 2024, from 6 pm to 8.30 pm, Palazzo Grassi – Punta della Dogana proposes a special experience that combines the discovery of Pierre Huyghe's exhibition "Liminal" currently on view at Punta della Dogana, and a Venetian-style aperitif after the opening hours, to be enjoyed on the evocative terraces of the Belvedere, in the golden light of sunset. Starting at 6 pm, a guided tour reveals the most ambitious exhibition project conceived by Pierre Huyghe in close collaboration with curator Anne Stenne for the Punta della Dogana spaces. "Liminal" is a unique project, which brings together works by the artist coming from the Pinault Collection and previously unseen works that together explore the multiple possibilities offered by interactions with non-human subjectivities. The visit concludes in the Torrino of Punta della Dogana, with an aperitif on the belvedere terraces at 7 pm, after the museum has closed. A unique opportunity to enjoy an unparalleled view of St Mark's Basin.
The price of the visit includes entrance fee, guided tour of Punta della Dogana and Venetian-style aperitif on the Belvedere terraces. The ticket also grants access to the Palazzo Grassi venue starting the next day to explore the exhibition "Julie Mehretu. Ensemble" up until January 6, 2025.
For bookings for Pinault Colleciton Members with Membership purchased at the Bourse de Commerce, please check the booking procedure by emailing membership@palazzograssi.it