Laboratorio per tutti: Alessandro Bonaccorsi
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Palazzo Grassi

Laboratorio per tutti: Alessandro Bonaccorsi

The second appointment of the new cycle of workshops for all is with Alessandro Bonaccorsi, visual designer and illustrator, founder of Disegno Brutto.

Alessandro Bonaccorsi leads the workshop What remains - Visiting a museum with Disegno Brutto at Punta della Dogana.

A museum is a place where inspiration can be found, where medidation can take place. The free and non-judgmental approach developped by Disegno Brutto invites the participants to establish a dialogue with the works on view and spaces of the museum and to collect their impressions, emotions, ideas and thoughts in a notebook.
This memory work aims to find what remains in the memory, what is locked inside: these are keys that enable us to relive an experience whenere we wish to.

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