Aa. Vv. klankteksten - konkrete poëzie - visuele teksten /sound texts - concrete poetry - visual texts / akustische texte - konkrete poesie -visuelle texte, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1970
Close Aa. Vv. klankteksten - konkrete poëzie - visuele teksten /sound texts - concrete poetry - visual texts / akustische texte - konkrete poesie -visuelle texte, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, 1970, Leonardo Sonnoli. Ph. Matteo De Fina © Palazzo Grassi
Guided tour
Saturday 11, Sunday 12, Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 November

Guided tour of "How to put art in a book"

Free guided tour of the exhibition "How to put art in a book" in the foyer of the Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi to explore the project by Leonardo Sonnoli and Irene Bacchi together with the mediation team of the museum.