© Matteo De Fina


Guided tours and activities for schools and universities provide keys to interpreting and understanding contemporary artistic languages, so that everyone can enjoy the works on display in the various exhibitions in a constructive, stimulating way.

From performance to portraits, by way of architectural survey and poetic composition, the activities on offer engage with a wide variety of areas of artistic creativity and are designed to actively involve children both older and younger children.

A proper introduction to contemporary art requires careful attention and independent reading. It teaches young people how to make connections that go beyond the obvious and discover unexpected perspectives on the past and present. As such, we have woven a number of interdisciplinary links into the courses that we provide.

There are activities and content suitable for all ages and levels, from nursery to university. 

Reservation required
All groups of more than 10 visitors are required to reserve their access to the museum. Admission for school groups is also subject to booking one of the educational activities offered.

For more information and to book and activity: 

Nursery and primary school

The nursery courses involve short sessions of play and interaction with the works, where the children are accompanied through their journey of exploration of the exhibitions. The activities unfold over two consecutive phases of observation and narration, in which the children are invited to linger upon the images, analysing the details and shapes they can see and practising their verbal description skills; this helps them learn to become familiar with the image as well as training them to better identify the elements that make up a piece.

Visita Gioco at Palazzo Grassi
Creative exercises with shapes and colours: the works on display in the exhibition prompt observations and comparisons from which the children build a visual diary of the museum experience.
Palazzo Grassi, 2h / 120€ per class

Visita Gioco at Punta della Dogana
How are contemporary art works made? And what do they tell us? A variety of different materials, mediums, and artistic languages is displayed in the exhibition at Punta della Dogana. They provide the class with a great range of diverse stimuli, taking the children on a journey that is geographical, aesthetic, and thematic.
Punta della Dogana, 2h / 120€ per class


Junior and High school

The courses for secondary school students offer them an opportunity to experience the museum as a space where they can share and express themselves freely. The aim is to foster a critical, attentive eye for art, helping them to develop reflections with links extending to current events, their personal experience, and contemporary historical and artistic contexts.

Activities Icônes

Express guided tour
This tour works as an initial introduction and contextualisation of the exhibition, enabling the visitors to appreciate it independently. The explanation provides the necessary tools for a free investigation, without being tied to an obligatory route.
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, 1h / €80 per class

Extended guided tour
This is a complete tour of the exhibition, based on conversation and dialogue, with the full participation of students. The artistic languages and theoretical issues addressed by the works in the exhibition are discussed in depth, expanding the students’ views on contemporary society.
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, 1h30 / 90€ per class

Visit "Among us"
For this programme, the class works in small groups to produce a collective project. The themes of the exhibition are first introduced, then the class are asked to relate, contributing their own personal experiences and interests. Connections and links will be discussed in order to create something new: a narrative text, a poem, a drawing, or a video, at the students’ discretion and according to their interests. This is a highly interactive visit that is very effective in engaging students.
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, tour+activity 2h / 120€ per class

The students bring their knowledge and language skills into play in relation to contemporary art themes: a visit to the exhibitions is an opportunity to learn specific vocabulary and test their expressive skills in the context of the museum. The activity involves each group focusing on a different semantic field and, in relation to the works, producing texts of various kinds, whether narrative, poetic or descriptive.
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, 2h / 95€ per class
in English, French, German and Italian for foreigners

Palazzo Grassi Teens

Palazzo Grassi was amongst the first museums to dedicate a programme to teenagers, engaging them in the conception and production of content aimed at their peers to guide them through their discovery of the works in the Pinault Collection.

The museum offers teenagers between 15 and 19 years old the opportunity to participate in an educational course at the museum, following a variety of different themes and pathways, which change from year to year according to the ongoing exhibitions at the time.

The tour of the exhibition is the jumping-off point for a series of regular, ongoing meetings designed to provide a stimulus for the creation of new content - be it text, photo, video or audio - in a free and creative way. The material is all collected in order to enrich the website - teens.palazzograssi.it - which allows young visitors to find out more about the artists and their work through interpretations provided by people of their age.

Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, minimum 3 - maximum 5 appointments / 130€ per class


Through a series of Masterclasses and discussions dedicated to students, the museums offer places for aggregation and comparison, spaces for dialogue, reflection and interdisciplinary exchange, helping to contribute to the students’ education in a free and creative way.

During the opening hours of Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana, university groups can book a guided tour dedicated to the current exhibitions or the architecture of the two venues:

Booking, for groups of up to 25 participants


Express guided tour
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana
1h / 80€ + admission ticket at the reduced price or with 20-26 year-olds ticket

Extended guided tour
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana
1h30 / 90€ + admission ticket at the reduced price or with 20-26 year-olds ticket



Guided tour
Palazzo Grassi or Punta della Dogana, 1h / 90€ + admission ticket at the reduced price or with 20-26 year-olds ticket
Teatrino di Palazzo Grassi, 1h / 80€

Educational activities at the Bourse de Commerce in Paris

Find out more about the educational activities offered for schools at the Bourse de Commerce, the Pinault Collection’s new exhibition venue in Paris writing to groupes@pinaultcollection.com.

  • Workshop
    15-16 November
    Palazzo Grassi

    Grand Tour with Mucem

    The Mucem museum, Marseille, is the guest of the 2024 edition of Grand Tour and offers to the Venetian public activities dedicated to cultural mediation.